Archive for May 17th, 2009

animals attack! @ ICFF

Playful animal shaped furniture at the show.  Very fun and cute…

vitra elephant
elephant by Vitra

hastens dogs
dogs by Hastens

dog and cats by Magis

dodo birds
dodo birds by Magis

rocking horse
rocking horses

droog hippo
hippo floormat by droog

(images by: vivien chin)

“my shower curtain is a green warrior” @ ICFF

puff and flock shower curtain

puff and flock shower curtain 02

shower curtain green warrior

Puff&Flock designed a really fun shower curtain that helps people try and control how much hot water they use in the shower.  The “spikes” start out deflated at the beginning of the shower.  As the hot steam builds up, the “spikes” inflate–telling you that it’s time to get out because you’ve been using a lot of hot water.  I think it’s a pretty cool way to help conserve water and energy, not to mention “my shower curtain is a green warrior” is a pretty awesome name!  This was one of my favorites at the show.

(images by: vivien chin)
(image from: Puff&Flock)

design glut @ ICFF

egg pants 01
egg pants

egg pants 02
egg pants

cubic electric switchplates


Really loved Design Glut (Kegan Fisher and Liz Kinnmarkt) at the show this year!  Their stuff is really creative and useful as well as nicely designed.  “Egg pants” are sooo cute and keeps your eggs from falling over.  The “cubic electric switchplates” are fun for  your light switches and electric outlets and play tricks on your eyes.  “Hookmaker” is a playful way to store and hang small things you have around.  The “Dow Jones Hanky” is a hankerchief with the graph of the Dow’s last 5 years.  You can also have the hankies custom embroidered with your personal portfolio too.  All these can be purchased on their site.

(images by: vivien chin )

design glut_dow jones hanky
dow jones hanky (image from Design Glut)

johnny swing @ ICFF

johnny swing lamp

This very large chandelier-like light fixutre made of glass jars really caught my eye when I passed.  Johnny Swing designed this creative light fixture along with these pig and teddy bear stuffed animals with a dollar bill print.  (I really like the pig!)  The bowl the pig is sitting in is also by him and is constructed of welded nickels!  Also on show was a lounge chair made of welded quarters.

johnny swing pig

johnny swing pig
dollar bill print pig

johnny swing lounge
lounge made of welded quarters

johnny swing quarter detail
detail of welded quarters

(images by: vivien chin)
(images from Johnny Swing)


multi-sphere theme @ ICFF

bocci 01
28 by Bocci

bocci 02
28 by Bocci

tom dixon 01
New Fluoro Shade by Tom Dixon

tom dixon 02
New Fluoro Shade by Tom Dixon

egg lights
designer unknown…forget to see who it was by, sorry!

Saw a theme in some of the light fixtures I saw.  The one that most intrigues me the most is the final image whose pieces are more egg-shaped than sperical, but the are made of felt.  I thought they were packing peanuts at first.  Unfortunately I didnt’ get the name of who designed it.

(images by: vivien chin)

molo @ ICFF

molo lights

molo white 01

molo white 02

Molo makes these cellular structure furniture and partition pieces that are expandable, flexible, and stackable.  Saw them at ICFF (International Contemporary Furniture Fair) today (and last year too).  The white pieces are constructed of Tyvek and the brown is of fire retardant kraft paper.  They can be illuminated internally with LEDs to give a glowing effect.  Molo also makes the glassware you see above sitting in the window.

(images above by: vivien chin)


(image above from Molo)

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