Archive for May 21st, 2009

muffeletta & napoleon house

Napoleon house 1

napoleon house

muffuletta sandwich

One of my favorite spots in New Orleans was Napoleon House in the French Quarter.  It’s a 200 year old building who’s first occupant, Nicholas Girod, offered the building up to Napoleon for refuge during his exile in 1821.  Napoleon never came, but the name stuck. 

It has one of the BEST sandwiches I’ve ever had–the Muffuletta (seen above).  The sandwich is huge and in it has: ham, genoa salami, pastrami, swiss cheese, provolone cheese, and homemade italian olive salad in it.  The combination is delicious–all my favorite things in one sandwich!  My mouth is watering just thinking about it.  Went great with a cold Abita Amber on that hot day.  I want to learn how to make the muffuletta olive mix because it was so amazing.  This is a must go in New Orleans, seemed like pretty popular place when I was there.


500 Chartres Street
New Orleans, LA 70130

(images by: vivien chin)

bump it!

volleyball net

Played some volleyball today after work (subbed in on Alison’s team just for today) and realized how much I miss playing!  Need to get back into it. 

The games are put on through Zog Sports which is “a charity-focused, co-ed, social sports club that promotes charity and social action amongst young professionals” in NYC.  They organize different intramural, co-ed sports (ex. volleyball, basketball, kickball, rugby, dodgeball, etc.) with the donations going to the winning team’s charity of choice at the end of the season.  It’s a really great idea and for great causes.

rings you can draw with


Crayon rings by Timothy Liles.  Jewelery you can draw with.  I wish there was a colored pencil version!!

planets lesson


This was found displayed in a supermarket at a table teaching kid’s about planets.  However, a closer look and you’ll find the information isn’t that reliable…

Things to notice:

(1)  Earth is some how no longer the 3 planet from the sun
(2)  We’ve been spelling “Uranus”, “Neptune”, and “Pluto” wrong all these years
(3)  Pluto is a planet again apparently

(thanks moi for the find! sooo funny!)

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